The BISON project represents a significant effort aimed at convergence in quality of scientific research between low performing EU Member States and their internationally leading counterparts.

The most important impact of BISON is a significant improvement in the overall capacity for science and innovation of the CEITEC MU in the key scientific areas, i.e. of cell biology, biological chemistry and synthetic biology, and new generation of therapeutics, specifically:

  • Creating a critical mass of science;
  • Intensifying creativity and the development of new approaches;
  • Improvement of the scientific and innovation capacity in the field.

One of the main outcomes of the BISON project will be increasing the practical relevance of the basic research of Structural Biology, especially for biomedicine, biotechnology, new therapies, and diagnostics as well as for development of precision instrumentation and new approaches in imaging technologies, especially microscopy, in particular:

  • Development of efficient biosensing and bioanalysis techniques integrating chemical, biochemical, electrochemical and biophysical approaches as rapid and sensitive screening tools;

Using the equipment for nanobiotechnology to enable visualization and studies of structure and interactions of biomacromolecules and their relation to the functions of living systems, disease and therapy;

Employing new methods to advance studies of host-pathogen interactions.

  • Testing new potential antibiotics compounds provided by partners for development of new therapeutics against human and animal bacteria; addressing the issue of growing resistance to antibiotics in bacteria;
  • Working on additional groups of viruses including emergent viruses from the family coronaviridae such as SARS and MERS;
  • Studying the effects of therapeutics on intra-cellular architecture or to be able to describe the mechanisms of action of cytostatic anti-cancer compounds;
  • Advancing in the research fields of Structural Biology by employing computational tools;
  • Exploiting potential of expertise and research in biology and chemistry as a source of new applications for microscopy and other imaging technologies related to our state-of-the-art infrastructure, and vice versa, to use new microscopic techniques as a tool for acquiring new knowledge in chemistry, biology and medicine.

Project will also contribute to:

  • Knowledge economy of South Moravian region, Czech Republicby acquisition of new knowledge, as well as attraction and training of top experts as primary sources for the development of a knowledge based economy.
  • Health care sector of the region and the Czech Republicas a whole, by developing of clinical applications as well as of the application niches in nanobiotechnology and development of new therapeutics.
  • Industrial sector in South Moravia, Czech Republicby collaboration between industry and scientists in the development of new knowledge in the area of imaging, microscopy, medical (and other) equipment and related software.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692068.
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